Dirty Laundry [REMIX]: Smut Quickie w/Audio

I wrote and recorded this very short story a few years ago, but recently remixed it to include some hot, guest background vocals that add a little more OOMPH to the climax. It’s also one of the first stories I mixed and mastered in my endeavors to better learn GarageBand. Hope you enjoy it!


Steam washed over Maria’s face when she cracked their bathroom door open, but then cleared enough to reveal her roommate behind the glass sliders. He always showered when he returned from the boxing gym and Maria was determined to catch the sneaky soap stealer.

Dark and stocky, with a wooly down covering his thighs, Andre was a powerful man who was now coating his erection with her body wash. Long, prominently jointed fingers worked up the suds as he massaged his head and balls in a steady rhythm.

Then — swoosh.

In quick order, Andre grabbed the panties Maria had hung to dry on the clothesline above the shower head and wrapped the lace tightly around the base of his shaft.

She froze, transfixed by his cock straining against the fabric that had only hours before graced her pussy. Andre spread his buttocks apart and worked the lather between their deep valley. With one foot propped against the edge of the glass, he stuffed himself down to the constantly bruised knuckles of two fingers and fucked his ass with the abandon of someone unaware that they were being watched.

Quiet moans escaped his lips, prompting Maria to clench her thighs together and suppress her own gasp. But when Andre clutched his cock to release a stream of jizz all over the shampoo bottles, she had to physically cover her mouth and walk away. Grinning, she already knew just the pair of panties she’d hang up to dry the next day.

Main Vocals: Carolyna Luna
Background Guest Vocals: Anon
Post Image Credit: Majestic Lukas on Unsplash